Chapter Registrar Debra Grigsby (right) accepting Registrar Award at DRT 2022 Convention in Austin, TX





How Can You Join?

To join, you will need to complete an application.  Please contact us for a membership application and instructions for its completion.  Further information is on the DRT website at .  If interested in joining the San Jacinto chapter, please email:

To view the application form template, click the link below.

DRT Application Form

To see a video history of some of our early members please click the link below (which redirects to the video on Facebook)



DRT Membership Requirements


 Any woman having attained her sixteenth (16th) birthday is eligible for membership, provided she is personally acceptable to DRT and is a lineal descendant of a man or woman who rendered loyal service for Texas prior to the consummation of the Annexation Agreement of the Republic of Texas with the United States of America on the nineteenth day of February, eighteen hundred forty-six (19 February 1846).  Proof submitted by an applicant shall include documentation on the applicant's ancestor. Any date cited on the membership applications shall be documented. The applicant must furnish acceptable proof of her lineal descent from a man or woman who served in any of the following capacities:

(a) As a colonist with Austin's Old Three Hundred, or any colonies authorized under the Spanish or Mexican governments before the Texas Revolution or those authorized by the Congress of the Republic of Texas.

(b) As an officer or private in the service of the Colonies or of the Republic of Texas.

(c) As a loyal resident, male or female, regardless of age, who established residence in Texas prior to the nineteenth day of February, eighteen hundred forty-six (19 February 1846). ("Loyal" shall be interpreted to mean that he or she had not been proved disloyal. A loyal resident, regardless of age, gave the service of residing in Texas and aiding in its settlement. "Service" shall be interpreted to mean "resident" or "military.")

(d) As a recipient of a land grant authorized by the Provisional Government of the Republic of Texas. Those grants include "Toby Scrips;" head rights, first, second, third, and fourth class; preemption grants; land scrips; colony contracts; bounty certificates; and donation certificates.

San Jacinto Chapter Meetings

Our chapter meets on the first Thursday of each month October through June at 10:00 a.m. at the Pioneer Memorial Log House located at 1510 Cambridge Street (formerly MacGregor), Hermann Park, Houston, Texas 77030.

San Jacinto Chapter Mission Statement

The Daughters of the Lone Star Republic was organized by cousins Betty Ballinger and Hally Bryan. They conceived the idea in 1891 of perpetuating forever the memory of the Texas pioneer families and soldiers of the Republic of Texas by forming an association of their descendants. This organization would soon come to be known as The Daughters of the Republic of Texas.

The San Jacinto Chapter was organized on November 9, 1891 by Mesdames Anson Jones, Andrew Briscoe, E. H. Vasmer, J. R. Fenn, A. B. Looscan, J. J. McKeever, and Misses Annie Hume and Belle Fenn.

San Jacinto Chapter Objectives

To perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved and maintained the independence of Texas.

To encourage historical research into the earliest records of Texas, especially those relating to the Revolution of 1835 and the events which followed; to foster the preservation of documents and relics; to encourage the publication of records of the individual service of the soldiers and patriots of the Republic, and other source material for the history of Texas.

To promote the celebration of Texas Honor Days: Lamar Day, January 26; Texas Statehood Day, February 19; Texas Independence and Flag Day, March 2; Alamo Heroes Day, March 6; Goliad Heroes Day, March 27; San Jacinto Day, April 21; Texian Navy Day, the third Saturday of September; Gonzales Day, October 2; Stephen F. Austin's Birthday, November 3, and Founders Day, November 6.

To memorialize all historic spots by erecting markers thereon; and to cherish and preserve the Unity of Texas as achieved and established by the fathers and mothers of the Texas Revolution. To promote the teaching of Texas history.

The special objective of San Jacinto Chapter shall be to further interest in the San Jacinto Battleground, San Jacinto Museum of History, and the Pioneer Memorial Log House.

San Jacinto Chapter Officers 2023-2025

Gwen Koch


Roni Thelen

Jamie Moran

Tish Wolter


Debra Grigsby

Sharolyn Wood


Carla Brown

Beth McCarty

Susan Stormer

Trudi Becht - leave of absence

Debra Grigsby



Gwen Kunz

Luanne Zacek


Beth McCarty


Martha Jorgensen

Carolyn Gilbert



San Jacinto Chapter Past Presidents


Mrs J. R. Fenn........................................................1891-1896
Mrs. M. B. Urwitz……………………….......…..…. 1896-1898
Mrs. J. J. McKeever………….........…...…….…….1898-1914
Mrs. Chas. H. Milby……….....…….........……...…...1914-1921
Mrs. Belle Fenn Clark…………………....………....1921-1926
Mrs. George Berlet……………………............…...1926-1928
Mrs. Caro Bryan Chapman……………..……........1928
Mrs. H. H. Ueckert………………….………............1928-1930
Mrs. B. F. Phelps…………………....………..….....1930-1932
Mrs. Madge W. Hearne……………….........….…..1932-1934
Mrs. Earl R. Ramsey…………….…..........…...….1934-1936
Mrs. Madge W. Hearne…………….....…….….…...1936-1937
Mrs. Norma Louise Barnett………….……………..1937-1939
Mrs. C. P. Coleman………..........….....…….....….1939-1941
Mrs. E. H. SuhrJune…………….......……………..1941-1942
Mrs. Henry R. Maresh……....………....……..Feb. 1942-1943
Mrs. W. F. Albert....................................................1943-1945
Mrs. Hedley V. Jackson…………….............….....1945-1947
Mrs. W. H. Irwin………………………….….…......1947-1949
Mrs. Lydia Smith Conklin........................................1949-1951
Mrs. E. L. Manning…….........…………....…..…....1951-1952
Mrs. H. L. McNeill…………….........………….…….1952-1953
Mrs. Eugene Truett Harris………….........………...1953-1955
Mrs. Harry Ash......................................................1955-1957
Mrs. H. Raymond Hagan………………....….…….1957-1959
Mrs. John M. Wilcox………………….......…..….....1959-1961
Mrs. Everitt M. Barrett………………………....…...1961-1963
Mrs. W. Robt. Pickens….........………………….….1963-1965
Mrs. Willis C. Cameron……….........…………..…....1965-1967
Mrs. Georgia B. Edman……………..........………...1967-1969
Mrs. George P. Red.................................................1969-1971
Mrs. Grace S. Wilcox…………….………………...1971-1973
Mrs. John R. Steele…………………............……..1973-1975
Mrs. Chas. W. Klanke…………….…...….......…..1975-1977
Mrs. Richard C. Jarboe…...………….……...….…..1977-1979
Mrs. Jas. R. Richardson, Jr.…...............…………..1979-1981
Mrs. Lloyd J. Gregory, Jr.…………........…….…….1981-1983
Mrs. John W. Hoover, Jr.………...……...…….…....1983-1985
Mrs. Anton R. Simon………….....…….……..……..1985-1987
Mrs. Julian B. Cox……………….......…….……….1987-1989
Mrs. Jerome M. Peschke……...……….....…...…….1989-1991
Mrs. Robbins M. Claypool…...………............…....1991-1993
Mrs.Marilyn Chapman…..............……………........1993-1995
Mrs.Pam Covington…….........……….......………...1995-1997
Mrs. Jan A. DeVault………..…………….......…....1997-1999
Mrs.Marian Beckham.............................................1999-2001
Mrs. Gina C. Bouchard...........................................2001-2003

Mrs. Carolyn Lightfoot............................................2003-2007

Mrs. Eron Tynes.....................................................2007-2011  

Ms. Luanne Zacek..................................................2011-2012

Mrs. Sharolyn Wood...............................................2013-2015

Mrs. Jamie Moran...................................................2015-2017

Mrs. Laura-Hill Taylor.............................................2017-2019

Mrs. Beth McCarty.................................................2019-2023


Past Presidents General

From San Jacinto Chapter

Mrs. Anson Jones (Mary Smith)........November 6, 1891-1908
Mrs. Carrie Franklin Kemp.......................................1935-1937
Mrs. Roy W. Hearne (Madge Houston Williams)......1937-1939
Mrs. Henry R. Maresh (Thelma B. Burnett)..............1947-1949
Mrs. H. Raymond Hagan (Julia Mathews)...............1959-1961
Mrs. George Plunkett Red (Erette Reese)................1973-1975

San Jacinto Chapter Historical Markers

Historical Marker at 620 Crawford St, Houston, Texas:

     On November 6, 1891, seventeen women met at the home of Mrs. Andrew Briscoe at this site to organize an auxiliary to the Texas Veterans Association. Mrs. Anson Jones was elected president of the new organization, Daughters of the Lone Star Republic. Goals set for the group included preserving the memories of Texas Revolution heroes, instilling Texas patriotism in the state's school children, preservation of historic sites, and promoting statewide celebrations of Texas Independence Day (March 2) and San Jacinto Day (April 21). The first annual meeting of the organization was held in Lampasas on April 21, 1892. A resolution was passed to change the group's name to The Daughters of the Republic of Texas. By 1892 the first two chapters had been formed, one in Galveston and one in Houston. The DRT has been in the forefront of many historic preservation projects throughout the state. Clara Driscoll, on behalf of the D. R. T., wrote personal checks to save the Alamo from demolition. The organization also led efforts to preserve and commemorate the San Jacinto Battlefield site.

San Jacinto Chapter Associate Membership

A woman who has applied for SJC DRT membership but has not been successful in proving her ancestry and who has a deep interest in furthering the objectives of DRT may become an associate member. An associate member does not have the privilege of voting or holding office and pays only chapter dues. An associate member may serve on committees, but may not chair the committee. Associate membership is applicable to San Jacinto Chapter DRT only and is not transferable.


Chapter Honorary Members

A person, male or female, who has actively worked to further the objectives of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, may be presented to the Executive Board for consideration as an Honorary Member. If the Board deems the person is acceptable, their name must be read at two regular SJC DRT meetings before being awarded Honorary Membership. An honorary member does not have the privilege of voting or holding office and pays no dues. An honorary member may serve on committees, but may not chair the committee. Honorary membership is applicable to San Jacinto Chapter DRT only and is not transferable.